What __ taught me about __
A series on life lessons. “Being human” means a multitude of things, and that’s the complexity we’ll explore; how certain life events, whether small or large, come to answer our biggest questions.
A series on life lessons. “Being human” means a multitude of things, and that’s the complexity we’ll explore; how certain life events, whether small or large, come to answer our biggest questions.
I'm so glad you mentioned The Nap Ministry. It's been so interesting to see how my mentality toward working/productivity/rest has changed incorporating their advice. It's also been interesting to see how often I need their reminders to take a minute for myself. Unlearning our culture of productivity is an arduous process.
- DWSo grateful for this read - It's vulnerable, real, and empowering. Just what I needed given the current reality we're facing. Thank you!
- Anonymous