Over the weekend, I shared that I’m pretty horny since being isolated in our home, and 63% of you agreed with me. One of our readers commented on the post: “I traded beer for batteries from my best friend.” We shared another piece last week on food erotica, and it had most of us blushing. “Philllllllthy!!!! LMAO! MORE!” one comment read.
The world is ending, and we’re all pretty horny.
As our readers continued to share, whether it’s discovering the luxury of day-time sex, learning to be creative with two toddlers at home, or increasing masturbation into our self-care routine, our habits during Coronavirus have changed. While I’m married and the quantity of sex has significantly increased over the last couple of weeks, I’ve still been getting myself off wherever, whenever I can. There are a million different ways I’ll remember this strange time we’re enduring, like the global chaos and #toiletpapergate, but predominantly what will stand out is the following question that keeps repeating in my head: When does your clit actually burn off?
Yesterday, when my husband was on a day-long hike, and I was procrastinating writing an article, I decided it was the perfect time to reintroduce porn into my masturbation routine. Excited, I grabbed my laptop and typed in “porn for women.” I found a slew of websites like Bellesa, but was disappointed. They reminded me of the reasons why I stopped watching porn years ago: It feels as fake as the women pretending to orgasm. Just like sex IRL, I like passionate porn. What turns me on more than anything is an enamored, lustful, can’t-live-without type of passion and connection during sex. Throw me against the wall, spit in my face, do whatever you want as long as the connection is there. If it ain’t, my vagina won’t pulsate and I’ll be as dry as the hottest desert in Morocco.
“Passionate sex” video results predominantly included women in a heterosexual coupling, making cringy sounds I’ve never made in the bedroom—even on porn sites made by women for women. I loathe the forced sexual sounds; the noises that stripped away my own sexuality when I was young and impressionable, and ones that I had to unlearn as I stepped into my authentic sexual self.
Frustrated, I searched the internet high and low for one of my favorite porn videos that I used to watch over and over and over and over (and over) again, pre meeting my husband; the porn video that I lost during a laptop transfer in 2012. While I can’t say for sure, the couple was either Russian or Yugoslavian, and they were clearly an item. The couple was oozing lust and love, with deep eye contact during their sweaty bathroom sex. It was slow, and fast, and hot as fuck. They were the epitome of what I imagine “Sex Is On Fire” to look like. It looked like *real* sex, or at least the type of sex that I craved in my bones (and vagina).
After 35 minutes of searching, I shut my laptop, defeated, and used my imagination instead. I thought of this couple I once gawked over, and imagined what type of sex they were having now (and if they were still together). Needless to say, it got the job done, but it got me thinking:
What type of porn do you watch? Do you even watch porn? More importantly, are there any specific videos and/or couples you’re obsessed with?
Comment down below! The next time any of us are feeling a tingle in our pants, you’ll be doing us all a favor!
LOOL I had a similar thing where I was obsessed with a certain couple but then I realized it was deeply impacting real life sex so I had to walk about from them. This is making me realize that I haven’t really watched porn in awhile. Looking forward to seeing what people share!
SAME! Dying to see what people share.
I opened this article on my phone and then saw the part where you said: “spit in my face” and was like, nope, this read deserves the laptop so I can take it all in. Opened the laptop and finished reading.
First thing: I’d love to hear more about how you and Kevin created a safe space to share those desires and what really works for you. I’m currently in a relationship where I do all the leading and talking – I am the “leader” in the relationship, typically making all the decisions and plans. But in the bedroom I want the same thing as you: deep deep passion where anything goes. But my partner is more reserved. We talk about sex but never get too deep. Any advice on how we can get there?
Second thing: I have a few levels of porn I go to depending on how I’m feeling but I’m pretty much always into girl on girl or a dudes POV where I can only see him from the waist down. And I usually love rough and passionate.
Wow, I love that I can write anything here.
LOLed at the first sentenced. “Nope, this read deserves the laptop so I can take it all in”. Mad respect. Re your question.. that has definitely not been a straight line for us. We’ve definitely struggled in that department as well. Some weeks/months, I am incredibly sexual, and other times I’m not. Same for my husband. I think when it comes to sexual desires, communication is KEY! And thats hard because very often we don’t even really know what we desire sexually. Or at least, that was my case. I had to really figure that out in order to be able to effectively communicate that with my husband. Lastly – did you know there are sex languages?? Just like love languages, there are sex languages and this was SOOO helpful once we figured this out. Google it! Highly recommend.
Ok question for you re the porn you look up – any specific websites you love?? I REALLYYY struggled yesterday with finding a website that had decent videos.
Érica Lust XConfessions it’s like art meets porn meets LGBTQ+ meets female friendly.
I think Eva Veil and her man genuinely appreciate each other. They’re on Pornhub.
Ok.. INTO IT. The fact that the timestamp on each video is 45 minutes says all I need to know.
I love reading erotica and the stories on sexisart.com really work for me. I love this couple and their passion and writing. Hot hot hot!
A couple of people shared this on IG actually! I forgot about them, followed them yeaaaars ago. So cool to see what their accounts have turned into. I wonder how they sustain this type of passion on a weekly basis… #quarantinethoughts
I was recently reading an article about how to support sex workers during this time by going directly to their sites, instead of going to a pornhub type site. I thought that was really important to think about since sex workers are being hit just as hard as bartenders and waitresses etc but they may potentially be more likely to engage in what might be dangerous work.
That being said I don’t have any good, self run sites to tell you about 😂
I do know that Lustery (lusterypov on insta) highlights all real couples! That might be up your alley!!
GREAT POINT! One of our writers, who is also a sex worker, is actually writing a piece about this. But definitely a great reminder to maybe stay away from bigger porn sites and support individuals more during these times.
Outlander season one (I’m not joking). #sorrynotsorry
I’ve never heard a better sales pitch to start watching a show. ON IT.
loveaudiogasm on tumblr. it’s just sound but it’s real couples and you definitely hear the passion and you get to use your imagination.